In an interview with freedom of movement with the editor in chief of News 24, Ms.Anurradha Prasad for his weekly 'Aamna-Samna, said the fight against corruption will not stop.
Tune to News 24 this Saturday, April 9 at 8 pm and Sunday at 10 pm to see how Baba Ramdev react when faced with difficult questions.
According to his combative AVTA new crusade against black money and the threat of corruption, the yoga guru Baba Ramdev also willing to take Mr. Digvijay Singh and PLPunia head to question his integrity.
Baba Ramdev is pick particular congressional leaders in it with a pinch of salt. "I have no personal problem with them. He (Digvijay Singh) belongs to a feudal family and have very humble origins. There is no question of joining issue with him or for that matter anyone.
Baba also said, "I have pills to cure it. Let your game do something to make you well."
When News 24 asked Baba, what if Digvijay Singh Punia ask or filing their income tax, Baba said, "my trust operation is audited every year. I have no bank account, not ownership. I'm ready to face any investigative agency to investigate the accounts of my confidence. I'm open to that. Our accounts are absolutely transparent. "
In response to a question about Digvijay Singh's younger brother Laxman Singh, joining hands with him, Baba said: "There can be no debate that 99 percent of people in the country to support my cause. And I do not matter that one percent are not me. "Even one percent were not with the Lord Ram and Sita. Even congressmen with Gandhi's thoughts are with me and with the full support of my cause."
In order to clarify its position once and for all, Baba thundered as he said, "I have no problem against any party or person."
In response to another question directly related to its growing wealth, Baba challenged anyone to prove it's not one iota of misappropriation of funds in his empire. "My fans have given me an island in the United Kingdom and a large country in Houston. I have everything according to the land law in those countries."
Are you ready to contest the next general election to be held in 2014?
To this question Baba Ramdev said he would like to clarify once and for all that he would not participate in elections. However, it said it would put its candidates with a clean image.
"My constitution has given me the right to fight against anti-national forces. And what is the problem with anyone if I fight against all those who are fighting the country's interests."
"Baba, how far this position is true that Muslims are still avoiding his yoga camps?
"They support me and my movement. I led a large gathering of venerable Islamic seminary Darul Uloom in Deoband. Muslim leaders also declared Yoga as no anti-Islamic. A large number of Muslims gathered in my recent field really Ramlila in New Delhi."
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